Kings Food City

Characteristics of Sayer Dates

Sayer Date
Sayer Date

Sayer or Esta’maran dates are an incredibly popular and abundant species of dates. These delicious and completely organic fruits have a slightly elongated oval shape and are typically dark brown in color. Sayer is well-known in many countries especially Canada, England, Australia and New Zealand, thanks to their high-quality and unique taste. Sayer dates come in three types: seeded, seedless, and chopped. One of the most important specifications of the Sayer date is that it is semi-dry, meaning it has a moisture content of around 16%. This enables it to be stored for longer periods than other types of dates. It is worth noting that Sayer dates are completely organic and free from pesticides or harmful chemicals. They are rich in cellulose and nutrients, which make them unique and healthy. These dates have a high sugar and nutritional value, making them an excellent source of syrup for use in cooking and drinks. Furthermore, Sayer dates are especially delicious and are superior in quality to Piarom dates in terms of their softer texture. With their innumerable health benefits and great flavor, Sayer dates are a must-try for foodies and health enthusiasts alike. They are often oval-shaped and have a smooth exterior. Their skin typically ranges in color from a light golden brown to a darker shade, with a glossy appearance that adds to their visual appeal.

Sayer Dates are categorized into different grades based on their diameter and size, including FAQ, GAQ, B-Grade, Select, and Super Select. These dates are available in both pitted and unpitted varieties.

Different Grades of Sayer Date
Different Grades of Sayer Date

Health Benefits of Sayer Dates

Sayer dates are a rich source of essential nutrients, providing a combination of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, natural sugars, and various vitamins and minerals.

1- Carbohydrates: Sayer dates are primarily composed of carbohydrates, particularly natural sugars such as glucose and fructose, which contribute to their sweet taste and energy-boosting properties.
2- Dietary Fiber: These dates contain a significant amount of dietary fiber, which aids digestion, promotes satiety, and supports overall gastrointestinal health. Fiber also plays a role in maintaining stable blood sugar levels.
3- Vitamins and Minerals: Sayer dates are a good source of essential vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, iron, and vitamin B6. These nutrients support various bodily functions, such as heart health, muscle function, and the production of red blood cells.
4- Energy Boost: Due to their high carbohydrate content, Sayer dates provide a quick and sustained source of energy, making them an excellent natural snack to combat fatigue and replenish energy levels.
5- Digestive Health: The significant fiber content in Sayer dates supports digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. Consuming fiber-rich foods like Sayer dates is beneficial for maintaining a healthy digestive system.
6- Nutrient Absorption: The vitamins and minerals found in Sayer dates contribute to overall nutrient absorption, supporting various physiological functions and promoting overall well-being.
7- Heart Health: Potassium, a key mineral found in Sayer dates, plays a crucial role in maintaining heart health by helping regulate blood pressure and supporting cardiovascular function.
8- Antioxidant Properties: While Sayer dates are not as well-known for their antioxidant content as some other date varieties, they still contain trace amounts of antioxidants, which help protect cells from oxidative damage and support overall health.



All Names

Estamaran, Sambaran, Sambon




Lower moisture compared to fresh dates,

Max 18%


Symmetrical Oval, Long


Reddish dark brown


Very sweet (it contains over 75% sugar),

Slightly nutty, Caramel-like, Rich toffee taste


Thin, Slightly wrinkled, Easily separated from the flesh


Fleshy, Soft, Chewy, Low juice


One Core, Oval, Hard, Easily detachable, Meat to core ratio: 88%


7-10 gr


2.5-5 cm

Harvest Time

Late August to the first half of October

Shelf Life

Long shelf life because of low moisture, Up to 18 months