Kings Food City

Properties of Khasouei Date

Khasouei Date
Khasouei Date
Khasouei Date, which is also known as “Khasouei”, “Khase”, “Khasi”, “Khasoei”, or “Plum date” is an incredibly delicious and highly valued date fruit that is cultivated in the Southern regions of Persia. This particular variety of date is known by various names, but the most well-known name for this date variety in foreign markets is “Khasoei”. One of the unique features of Khasoei dates is that they resemble plums in their appearance. Typically, these dates grow in the foothills and slopes of the mountains. Khasoei dates are exported to various countries worldwide, especially those surrounding the Persian Gulf, and interestingly, in recent years, European countries have also become importers of this date fruit. In terms of size, Khasoei is the smallest date fruit worldwide, which means that three dates of this kind are considered one unit of other date varieties. One of the most remarkable things about Khasouei dates is that when kept in a container for several hours, they will be immersed in their own juice, which is incredibly sweet, and this juice is used to make date syrup. It is worth mentioning that this date fruit is used to produce date syrup due to the high level of syrup within the fruit. Khasoei is known for its exceptional sweetness, and it is one of the sweetest dates that does not bother the throat.

Khasoei Date is a remarkable date variety that deserves your attention. Its exceptional characteristics have been well-documented and include qualities such as being fresh, semi-fresh, and having a moisture content of 15% to 25%. This date variety boasts a round shape and a color that ranges from dark yellow to light brown. More importantly, it has a deliciously sweet and succulent taste that is reminiscent of Piarom date. The skin of the Khasoei Date is thin, slightly wrinkled, yet glossy, and the flesh is soft and full of juice. At 3 to 4 centimeters in length, it is a perfect size for snacking, and its remarkable shelf life of 18 months ensures that you can enjoy them all year round.

Khase is an incredibly versatile type of date that is typically sold in all three stages of ripeness. This means that whatever your preferences may be, you're going to be able to find the perfect Khase date for you. The three different stages of ripeness for Khase dates are known as Khark, Rutab, and date (Tamar). Khark dates are the earliest stage of ripeness, and are typically the firmest of the three different types. Rutab dates are slightly more ripe, and are considered to be the intermediate stage of ripeness. As for Tamar, these are fully ripe dates that are sweet, soft, and juicy.

Khasoei Date vs. Lulu Date

The Khasoei date and Lulu date may look quite similar to some people due to their size and appearance. However, it is important to note that the Khasoei date is actually smaller than the Lulu date, making it the tiniest among all varieties of date fruit. Another feature that sets them apart is the color. While the Khasoei date has a warm brown hue, the Lulu date is darker and appears black. Interestingly, in certain regions both dates are referred to as “Pulm Dates”, which could possibly be a local or regional naming convention. It's no wonder some people get confused when trying to distinguish between these two fruits, especially if they're not familiar with the different types of dates available. But whether you prefer the smallest and brown-colored Khasoei date, or the bigger and black Lulu date, both have their own unique taste and nutritional benefits that are worth exploring.

Khasi Dates Benefits

If you’re looking for a natural, delicious and superfood to improve your overall health and well-being, look no further than Khasoei dates. These incredible dates offer an impressively wide range of benefits that can help keep you feeling your best. First and foremost, Khasi dates are known for their ability to balance stomach acidity, which can be a huge help for anyone struggling with digestive issues. On top of that, these dates can also help boost energy levels, making them an ideal snack for people with busy lives who need to stay focused and productive. Another key benefit of Khasi dates is their ability to help prevent anemia, which is a common condition caused by a lack of iron in the blood. By including these dates in your diet, you can help ensure that your body is getting all the iron it needs to stay healthy and strong. But that’s not all, Khasoei dates are also great for supporting heart health, acting as an antioxidant, enhancing memory, lowering blood pressure, promoting good oral hygiene, enhancing skin and hair, improving bone health, supporting a healthy pregnancy, boosting brain health, reducing inflammation, and even enhancing sexual health. Overall, Khasi dates are a truly amazing superfood that can benefit almost every aspect of your health and well-being. So why not try them out for yourself and see how they can help you feel your best?



All Names

Khasoei (the most famous name), Khasouei, Khase, Khasi


Fresh, Semi-fresh






Dark yellow – light brown


Sweet, Succulent, It tastes like Piarom date


Thin, Wrinkled, Slightly glossy


Soft, Full of juice


One Core, Oval, Small, Hard


The smallest date variety worldwide


3-4 cm

Harvest Time

Late June to late August

Shelf Life

 18 months