Kings Food City

Dried Plum Stencil

Plums are a type of stone fruit that are sweet and juicy. They come in a variety of colors, including red, yellow, purple, and green. Plums are not only delicious, but they also offer several health benefits. They are a good source of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as dietary fiber.

Dried plum chips and dried plum slices are made by removing the moisture from fresh plums. This process concentrates the flavors and creates a chewy texture. Dried plum chips are thinly sliced pieces of dried plums, while dried plum slices are thicker and have a more substantial bite. Dried plums have a long shelf life and can be enjoyed as a healthy snack on their own. They are naturally sweet and provide a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, iron, and antioxidants. Dried plum chips and slices can be a convenient and nutritious alternative to fresh plums, especially when fresh ones are not in season. You can use dried plum chips and slices in a variety of ways. They can be added to trail mixes, granola bars, baked goods, or even used as a topping for yogurt or cereal. They can also be rehydrated by soaking them in hot water or fruit juice, and then used in recipes such as jams, compotes, or even added to savory dishes like stews or roasted meats for a hint of sweetness. Overall, dried plum chips and slices are a tasty and versatile snack that can be enjoyed on their own or incorporated into various recipes. They offer a convenient way to enjoy the flavors and health benefits of plums all year round.

Dried plum slices offer several health benefits, including:
1. Digestive health: Dried plums are well-known for their natural laxative effect due to their high fiber content. They help promote regular bowel movements and prevent constipation.
2. Bone health: They contain essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which are important for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Regular consumption of dried plums may help prevent osteoporosis.
3. Antioxidant-rich: They are packed with antioxidants, including phenolic compounds and vitamins A and C. These antioxidants help protect against cell damage caused by harmful free radicals in the body.
4. Heart health: Dried plums are low in saturated fat and cholesterol and contain high levels of potassium, which can help reduce blood pressure. Additionally, their soluble fiber content helps lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.
5. Blood sugar control: The soluble fiber in Dried plum helps slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, preventing sudden spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels. This can be beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing it.
6. Weight management: Dried plums are low in calories and high in fiber, making them a satisfying snack that can help promote satiety and reduce overall calorie intake. This can aid in weight management and prevent overeating.
7. Nutrient-dense: They are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, iron, and potassium. These nutrients are essential for overall health and wellbeing.
8. Anti-inflammatory properties: Dried plums contain antioxidants and phytochemicals that have anti-inflammatory effects. Regular consumption may help reduce inflammation in the body and lower the risk of chronic diseases.
Dried Plum
Dried Plum
Dried Red Plum
Dried Red Plum