Kings Food City

Super Long Pistachio

This pistachio was called Akbari. why?!!

Akbari Pistachio
Akbari Pistachio
As a matter of fact, Persia boasts a rich history of being one of the largest and most renowned producers of pistachios in the world. It is here where one can find an extensive array of high-quality pistachio varieties, each with its distinct flavor and texture. However, among all these varieties, Akbari pistachio has emerged as a favorite among connoisseurs. This particular pistachio is named after its innovative creator, "Haj Akbar Besanjide," or also known as "Akbar Taj Abadi." Interestingly, the story behind the birth of this pistachio is quite fascinating. Mr. Besanjideh (Taj Abadi) transplanted pistachio trees to one another and found out its fruits had an outstanding shape and flavor. It was then that Akbari pistachio was born, and it quickly gained worldwide reputation for its unbeatable taste and shape.

Characteristics of Akbari Pistachio

When it comes to premium pistachios, Akbari variety stands out as one of the most luxurious options available on the global market. Because, its exceptional taste and texture have earned it the renown of being an excellent export-focused pistachio. In fact, many loyal fans have made Akbari pistachios their go-to snack due to their unique flavour profile, widespread availability, and exceptional quality. They possess a rich, velvety texture that will delight your taste buds and provide you with a truly royal experience. Let's us survey some of the features of Akbari pistachios:
1- As you examine this pistachio, the first and most salient feature that captures your attention is its elongated and rectangular shape. This highly distinctive shape sets it apart from other pistachios, making it easily identifiable.
2- The outer shell of this pistachio bears a beautiful light red color when it reaches the peak of its ripeness. Undoubtedly, it makes the pistachio visually appealing and surprisingly pleasing to the eye.
3- Not only does the outer shell catch your eye, but the hard and bony shell within is a dark cream, adding to the overall attractiveness of the pistachio.
4- The top coating of the pistachio kernels is a striking purple-brown color. Also, the dominant color of the kernel itself is a delightful light yellow, which adds to the pistachio’s appeal.
5- The cracked level of this pistachio is of high quality and appropriate for easy access to its kernel. Therefore, you will have no trouble at all getting to the delicious treat inside.
There are several factors that can help in identifying Akbari pistachios. For instance, the color, shape, and size of the pistachios can all vary depending on the variety. Similarly, the taste and texture can also offer insight into the type of pistachio you are dealing with. It's important to note that each type of pistachio has its own distinct flavor profile, which makes them stand apart from one another. When it comes to identifying these delicious nuts, taking the time to compare and contrast their different characteristics can go a long way in helping you pinpoint the type of pistachio you have in front of you.
It's important to know that pistachios come in two distinctive shapes - almond-shaped (stretched) and hazelnut-shaped (spherical or round). The first thing to remember, Akbari pistachios belong to the almond-shaped pistachio group, which sets them apart from Kaleh Gouchi (large and spherical) and hazelnut-shaped varieties. One way to differentiate Akbari pistachios from other types is by paying close attention to the color of the shell. Since, the dark cream shell of Akbari pistachios is a stark contrast to the bright white shell of the Ahmed Aghaei pistachio. Besides, you can also differentiate the two by the color of their kernels. Generally, Akbari pistachios have a purple-brown surface coating, while Ahmad Aghaei pistachios have a bright red to amethystine coating. Although they may look similar, Akbari pistachios are typically larger than Ahmad Aghaei pistachios.

Open-Mouth or Open-Shell Pistachio

Pistachios are classified into two distinct types, which can be defined in a slightly more technical manner based on their processing methods. Firstly, naturally cracked pistachios are left on the tree to fully mature. Accordingly, their kernels can expand enough to crack the hard outer shell, leading to a naturally-opened pistachio nut. In other words, this auto-cracking of the shell takes place without any external intervention. On the other hand, mechanically opened pistachios have their kernels harvested before they fully mature. Obviously, their shell remains sealed and the resulting kernels are comparatively smaller than their naturally-opened counterparts. However, advanced machinery and specialized techniques are employed to mechanically crack open the shells and release the edible kernels. Finally, by separating these two types, consumers are able to make more informed decisions based on their individual preferences.

Three Forms of Pistachios in the Markets

1- First Grade Pistachios: these pistachios are 100% naturally cracked without any use of machines or human intervention. Indeed, with first grade pistachios, you won't find any closed, small or pea-shaped nuts among them. Hence, it makes them the perfect choice for those looking for uniformity in size and shape. These nuts are not only of high quality, but also come with a slightly higher price tag due to the effort and attention put into harvesting and processing them.
2- Second grade Pistachios: they are a cost-effective option that feature a unique blend of both naturally cracked and mechanically cracked kernels. These pistachios retain all of their delicious flavor and distinctive texture. While they have a lower price than the top-tier first grade pistachios.
3- Third grade: this type of pistachio includes completely mechanically cracked variety. Mechanically cracked pistachios can offer a convenient and low-cost option for those who want to enjoy this delicious and nutritious snack.
Did you know that the price of pistachio varieties is strongly linked to the price of open-mouth pistachios? That's right! Several criteria come into play when determining the daily price of these delicious nuts: 1- type of pistachio, 2- percentage of kernels yield, 3- pistachio size (measured in ounces), 4- raw pistachio or roasted or even roasted and slated pistachio, 5- overall uniformity in size and color.

Pistachio, Magic of Health

1- Heart-healthy fats: undoubtedly, pistachios are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health. These healthy fats can help lower harmful LDL cholesterol and raise beneficial HDL cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.
2- Protein: in face, they are a good source of plant-based protein. Then, it makes them an excellent option for individuals looking to increase their protein intake, especially for those following vegetarian or vegan diets.
3- Fiber: pistachios are a great source of dietary fiber, which can aid in digestion, promote a feeling of fullness, and support overall gut health. A single serving provides a good amount of fiber, contributing to a well-rounded diet.
4- Vitamins and Minerals: these nuts contain essential vitamins and minerals surprisingly, including vitamin B6, thiamine, phosphorus, and potassium. As you know, vitamin B6 is involved in various bodily functions, such as metabolism and cognitive development, while potassium is crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure and nerve function.
5- Antioxidants: pistachios are rich in antioxidants, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for eye health. Therefore, they significantly can help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, a common cause of vision loss in older adults.
6- Weight management: despite being energy-dense, pistachios have been associated with weight management. Their combination of protein, fiber, and highly healthy fats can promote a feeling of fullness and may help control appetite, potentially contributing to maintaining a healthy weight when consumed in moderation.
7- Blood sugar control: Recently research suggests that pistachios may have a beneficial impact on blood sugar levels. Their low glycemic index and fiber content can help regulate blood sugar. Eventually, They are a favorable choice for individuals with diabetes or those aiming to manage their blood sugar levels.




Naturally opened, Mechanically opened


(Super) Long


Raw, Roasted, Roasted and Salted, Saffron flavor

Harvesting time

September & October

Chemical/Artificial Additives

GMO Free, Gluten-Free, Very low Aflatoxin 

Shelf Life and Storage Condition

24 month, keep in cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight

Size (ounce *)

18-20, 20-22, 22-24, 24-26, 26-28


Raw: 5-7 %

Roasted and salted: 2-3 %

* Ounce of pistachio (or Oz): a criterion for showing smallness or largeness of pistachios in Persia.

* The lower pistachio ounce, the bigger pistachio nut. It means pistachio with ounce 20 is larger than pistachio
with ounce 24.