Kings Food City

Semi-Long Pistachio

Why is this Pistachio Called “Almond Pistachio” or “Badami Pistachio”?

Badami Pistachio
Badami Pistachio
Semi-long pistachio is a delicacy that stands out due to its almond-like appearance, elongated shape, and exceptional beauty. It's no wonder that this pistachio variety is highly sought-after and popularly exported to other countries, making it one of the most popular pistachios worldwide. In addition, locally, this nut is known as the "White pistachio" due to its shell color and is quite similar to the famous Ahmad Aghaei pistachio. However, the semi-long pistachio is a bit shorter and thinner than its Ahmad Aghaei counterpart. Moreover, this particular type of pistachio is an early-bearer and usually hits the market in midsummer, making it a seasonal treasure.

Features of Badami Pistachio

Badami pistachio is one of the commercial types of Persian pistachio and it is familiar with semi-long pistachio. Badami (semi-long) pistachio is very similar to Ahmad Aghaei pistachio with some differences. The difference is that Badami origin is smaller in height and have a stained shell. As its name shows, the nut of badami pistachio is like to almond in shape.

Health Values and Benefits of Badami Pistachio

Pistachios are a nutritional powerhouse as they are packed with a wide range of vitamins and nutrients, making them an excellent addition to any diet. In fact, they are not only incredibly delicious but are also great for promoting various health benefits. One health benefit of consuming pistachios is that they can positively impact blood lipids. This is due to the unsaturated fatty acids, which promote healthy blood lipids and contribute to better heart health. Additionally, recent research suggests that pistachios might also help improve your antioxidant status and reduce inflammation, leading to better cardiovascular health. Pistachios are also an excellent source of potassium, making them a great food to help regulate blood pressure. Moreover, the high levels of vitamin B6 in pistachios can help with amino acid formation, produce neurotransmitters such as melatonin and GABA, and reduce stress levels. Pistachios are perfect for those wanting to control their weight as they are one of the lowest-calorie nuts and can help regulate blood sugar levels. Lastly, they've been found effective in reducing the risk of cancer due to the various nutrient compounds they offer.




Naturally opened, Mechanically opened


Semi long


Raw, Roasted, Roasted and Salted, Saffron flavor

Harvesting time

September & October

Chemical/Artificial Additives

GMO Free, Gluten-Free, Very low Aflatoxin 

Shelf Life and Storage Condition

24 month, keep in cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight

Size (ounce *)

28-30, 30-32, 32-34


Raw: 5-7 %

Roasted and salted: 2-3 %

* Ounce of pistachio (or Oz): a criterion for showing smallness or largeness of pistachios in Persia