Kings Food City

History and Basic Features of Dayri Dates

Dayri Date
Dayri Date

Dayri date (Dairi dates) is a high-quality fruit that can be found in international markets. It has a unique and delicious flavor that will leave you satisfied. It originates from the southern regions of Iraq and is typically harvested during autumn. The date is named after a monastery in the region called Dayr, hence its common name, “The Monastery date.” Despite having a similar size and texture to the Medjool date, the Dayri date has a more intense and less sweet flavor, making it an excellent alternative for those who prefer less sugary fruit. It is also different from other date fruits in that it is picked when it has lost its moisture, which gives it a dry outer texture, preserves its properties, and increases its shelf life.

Let's dive into the Dayri Dates Review; this category of dates is dry and confers modest sweetness (less sugary than Medjool dates) with an average skin thickness. The shape is either oval or elongated, and they have a mostly large size. The color of the Dayri dates is red when it is Khark and dark brown-black when it is ripe. The moisture content of these dates is low, and the skin is usually dry with slight wrinkles. What's more, the flesh of the Dayri dates is thick, soft, and chewy, and they lack a fibrous texture, making them easy to chew. Additionally, Dayri dates have a relatively extended shelf life and are resistant to moisture, lasting for up to one year outside the refrigerator and an outstanding two years inside the refrigerator.

Health Benefits of Dayri Dates

It has been discovered that Dayri date fruits have numerous health benefits. They have become increasingly popular due to the high content of essential nutrients that they possess. These types of dates are packed with a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber that make them extremely healthy to consume on a regular basis. One of the most prominent benefits of Dayri dates is the fact that they promote cardiovascular well-being. In addition, they are also rich in essential vitamins and minerals, making them a fantastic source of nutrition. For those looking for a dietary option that is cholesterol-free, Dayri dates are an ideal choice. Furthermore, they provide substantial amounts of dietary fiber. Dayri dates also contain abundant natural antioxidants, which help to combat free radicals in the body. They are also a sodium-free nutritional choice, making them a fantastic alternative to other less healthy snack options. With 50% more potassium than bananas, Dayri dates are an equally balanced source of fructose and glucose, making them an excellent source of energy.



All Names

Dayri, Dairi






Oval, Elongated


Red when it is Khark

Dark brown-black when it is ripe


Modest sweetness (Less sugary than Medjool)


Average thickness, Dry skin, Slightly wrinkled


Thick, Soft, Chewy, Lacking the fibrous texture


One Core, Big, Oval, Hard, Cream color, Low kernel-to-flesh adhesion


Medium to large (mostly large)

Harvest Time

Autumn (Ripen very late)

Shelf Life

Relatively resistant to moisture 1 year (outside the refrigerator)

2 years (inside the refrigerator)